rethinkmodel.model - Model definition and methods

Module to create and manage your models.

Each data object must inherit from Model class and contains some annotations to define the types. Types can be “simples” or “Model” children.

Each Model has got:

  • id: that is set from database (None by default)

  • created_on: the creation date of the data (never changed)

  • updated_on: the modification date, change each time you save the model

  • deleted_on: if you set rethinkdb.db.SOFT_DELETE to True in configuration, so the model is never deleted but this date is set. Rethink:Model will filter objects to not get soft deleted objects

class User(Model):
    username: str # a string
    tags: List[str] # a List if string, connot be None
    categories: Optional[List[str]] # list of string, can be None

    def get_index(cls):
        ''' Create an index on "name" property '''
        return ['name']

class Project(Model):
    # bind an User id here, because User is a model
    owner: User

    name: str # other field
    comment: Optional[str] # Optional => "None" is accepted

To get Linked objects, it’s possible to use “join()” method

# The user will be fetched and
# projects property is set with all
# related projects.
# This is because "Project" object
# has got a User reference field.
user = User.get(id).join(Project)

See Model methods documentation to have a look on arguments (like limit, offset, …)

class rethinkmodel.model.BaseModel[source]

Base Model interface.

To change the tablename and avoid name generation, you may use __tablename__ static property.

classmethod get_indexes()Optional[Union[List, Dict]][source]

You can override this method to return a list of indexes.

This method is called by function to prepare indexes in database.


This is a work in progress. At this time, you can only return a list of strings (name of properties to use as index)


Is called after the object is created in database.


Is Called after the object is deleted from database.

Note is not None at this point. It will be set to None after this method is called. This way, you can, for example, manage a cascade deletion.


Is called after the object is modified in database.

class rethinkmodel.model.Model(**kwargs)[source]

Model is the parent class of all tables for RethinkDB.

The constructor accepts kwargs with attributes to set. For example, if the User class is set like this:

class User(Model):
    username: str

You may construct the object with:

user = User(username="John")
classmethod changes(select: Optional[Union[Dict, Callable]] = None)Generator[source]

Get a feed Generator which reacts on changes.

This return a blocking cursor tuple where the first element is the “old value” and the second is the “new value”. It is very usefull to make action when something changed in database.

feed = User.changes()
for oldval, newval in feed:
   # here, we have changes from oldval to newval
   # when a row changed in "users" table.

The “select” argument is the same as in rethinkmodel.model.Model.filter(), it can be a dict or a callable function or lambda to filter data.

feed = User.changes(select=lambda x = x['name'].eq("Foo"))
for oldval, newval in feed:
    # only on user named "Foo"

Delete this object from DB.

classmethod delete_id(idx: str)[source]

Delete the object that is identified by id.

classmethod filter(select: Optional[Union[Dict, Callable]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, order_by: Optional[Union[Dict, str]] = None)List[rethinkmodel.model.Model][source]

Select object in database with filters.

The select argument can take a dict or a Callable where RethinkDB row is accessible.

# simple filter, all key: value is treated like a "and"
filtered = User.filter(select={
    "name": "foo"

# Get user with name = "user1" or "user2".
# Here, the lambda function will get res as a row. So the
# RethinkDB methods are accessible like "or_", "and_", "between", ...
filtered = User.filter(
    select=lambda res: res["name"].eq("user0").or_(res["name"].eq("user2")),


Inside lambda (or any Callable), the argument is a RethinkDB row object. You will need to use specific RethinkDB methods to make the filter to work.


classmethod get(data_id: Optional[str])Optional[rethinkmodel.model.Model][source]

Return a Model object fetched from database for the giver ID.

classmethod get_all(limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, order_by: Optional[Union[Dict, str]] = None)List[rethinkmodel.model.Model][source]

Get collection of results.


Return the RethinkDB object and connection holder.

join(*models: Type[rethinkmodel.model.Model], limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, order_by: Optional[Union[Dict, str]] = None)rethinkmodel.model.Model[source]

Join linked models to the current model, fetched by id.


Insert or update data if is set.

Return the save object (self)


Transform the current object to dict that can be written in RethinkDB.

classmethod truncate()[source]

Truncate table, delete everything in the table.